Just Ice

Black Ice matters because it dosn’t matter what color you are and its not racces to call them black or white.but in the world there are African Americans fighting with police right now.for example Martin Luther King Junior killed people because the white people didn’t like him so he was killed.The black and white people couln’t go to the sane school if they did they would get killed.Like the white people cant drink from the waterfalls.SO its that kind stuff they just gotta let people do there thing.

My Cover

My cover will be really nice i don’t know what cover i’m using so i just said it’s gonna be really nice.Im gonna use a lot of colors cause i wanna be creative and i want to try new stuff.Im gonna use nature as a photo because i’m using a nature photo because i love nature and it stand out wither it’s trees or storms it stand’s out.The picture that i picked will be placed centered.I place it centered because their would be a typing on the top and on the bottom.Another reason why i want it centered because you can read the letters i type and you can see the picture better.

Prince EA Video

The video that i chose was the 1st video.I like the first video because it has a lot of meaning.Another reason why i like it is because the background also gave alot of meaning.The whole part of the story like meant Be Thankful For What You Get.I thought it meant that because the back ground and what he was saying.The background was a broke down house.Now days people aren’t that thankful cause they didn’t know how the olden days were.They think the olden days were better but really its not.But still alot of people are suffering.

He was saying everything of like to be thankful for what you have.But then he gave a lot of details.I think we should all be thankful because in the olden days there were nothing.They had to try and get everything.They didn’t have a washer to wash clothes,they dint have a toilet,they didn’t have water,they didn’t have food,and they all had to work for it.They had to go use the bathroom in the bushes and they also didn’t have houses.They never have houses they only had plants cause it rained a lot.But were they have to live in like either the bushes or the protective house for where the war took place. There are still people suffering in the world still.Instead of buying food people bye drugs instead and beer.So be ThankFul

My New Songs

New post–Come up with the name of 12 songs that describe you. You must make up the titles–DO NOT USE SONGS THAT HAVE ALREADY BEEN RECORDED BY SOMEONE ELSE!
12 made up songs that describe me:

1) Ill Give You My Heart
2) Active
3) Listen
4) I love You
5) Softball forever
6) love
7) I Love To Eat
8) Forever Loved
9) I love You To The Moon and Back
10) Forever Young
11) Maui Is Life
12) Take lead

Music artist

–If you were a music artist, what kind of music would you produce? What artist would you be most like and why?

If i was music artist,i would create music like rap with fetty wrap.Music mixed from the songs from fetty wrap would be wrapand lyrics that provide a good level.The songs i would like a of fetty wrap is bake a pie, i would choose that one beacaue its funny and its a good song.He writes really well.I also like him cause i like country music he wrote a country song to and its really good.

Optical lllusions

1)why was the illusion your favorite?
This illusion was my favorite because it plays with your mind and when the bunny just magically appears 20 seconds after the illusion is just mind tricking but cool at the same time.

2)What can you say about optical illusions in general?
Optional illusions are mind controlling.They can play tricks on your mind and can really test how smart you are.for example, there was one that i played with that took over me and controlled my mind it was cool. Optical Illusions are fun but confusing and puzzling at the same time.
optical illusions


1)Who were some of the celebrities who dislike photoshop? What are their reasons?
Some celebrities who dislike photo shop are Kate Winslet and Brad Pitt. Kate Winslet’s reason is that from her photos in a GQ Magazine,the photographers revamped her using some celebrities that dislike photo shop making her look unrealically thin.Brad pitt’s reason for his dislike with photo shop are because he thinks it is better to expose a real picture of you instead of putting up a fake one with so many changes and many motifications.

2)How does the American Medical Association (AMA) feel? Support your answer with evidence from the text.
According to the ariticle, ” Is photoshop Destroying Ameiraca’s Body?,”the American Medical Association agrees that photoshop is getting out of hand.The ariticle clearly states that the AMA stands to a point were they photoshop are “alterations can contribute to unrealistic body expectations ,eating disorders,and emotional problems.”

3)How do you feel about photoshop? Give examples from your life to support your answer.
I believe that using photoshop is a choice. Celebs can choose to use it or not.i personally think it is okay to use photoshop during curtain times and situations but not all the time,If you need a clear up a zit or a pimple in a school photo is acceptable for me in my option.Small changes using photoshop is greatly commen right now in the society but once you start making big motifications you have to keep it going.

personality test-ENFJ

Do you think the personality test was accurate?

According to the personality test, I think this was accurate because i was Ixtravert 31%,Intuitive 19%,Feeling 20%, and Judging 7%.

I agree and disagree to the result.I agree when it explains that i am 20% feeling because i have like that much feelings and thats a good thing.

Did it really describe you? Explain.I think it really descibed me because i agree in all bun not one intuitive i dont think im an I because i dont match the reasons in the I. also if i was I i wouldnt be that high because it says im %19 persent but i dont think i am.

What did you learn about yourself taking the test?I learned that it was mandetery because it asked a whole bunch of questions and it was more like a yes.